Carlene Ford
Marsha Brewer
Barbara Broadway
Judy Dowlen
Linda Highers
Debbie Leeper
Traci Perkins
Christina Pursley
Martell Souder
Janet Watts
JoAnne Westerfield
Julie Rollins emeritus
Bobette Spear keeps up with our member list and attendance records, and collects money as needed for our flower fund and benevolence fund.
Jan Hoppes coordinates sending flowers or gift cards as needed.
Carole Belles coordinates providing food when needed.
Linda Highers generates the daily email.
Jan Hoppes coordinates door greeter assignments.
Bobette Spear coordinates with restaurants for our weekly lunches during the class season as well as during the summer break.
Historically, we celebrate special occasions such as Valentine’s Day, Christmas, and end of class year.
Most years, we have a fun, entertaining skit that showcases many hidden talents!
We are mindful of Benevolence
We collect money during the year so we can respond to needs of our class members and the community.
In 1998 Nila Sherrill organized the Monday morning class, many years meeting in Nila’s home. She provided a legacy of Bible teaching, that included handouts with each unit of study. She taught every week (Sundays and Mondays) until cancer made it impossible. We cherish our memories of her and appreciate the example she set as a student of God’s Word. She encouraged many women to become Bible teachers.