IN CASE You Missed it


In Case You Missed It… October 6, 2024

Summary of “Listen to Him”

October 6, 2024

Welcome to the Madison Church of Christ.  A quick review of today’s teaching may help you to deepen your understanding.

In today’s gathering, we explored the profound importance of not just hearing, but truly listening to Jesus amidst the cacophony of voices and distractions in our world. We began by acknowledging the joy and camaraderie that good-natured college football rivalries can bring, but also the division it can cause if mishandled, reminding us to be kind and loving regardless of our team preferences. This also serves as a metaphor for our spiritual lives, where we must rise above worldly distractions to focus on our divine calling.

This week, we are embarking on a new sermon series centered on Luke 9:28-36, a passage that invites us to experience the divine revelation of Jesus. This story, like many others in the Bible, challenges us to seek God’s direction and actually listen to His voice. In a world filled with distractions and noise, we must pause and listen to Jesus, who calls us to be His witnesses and share the good news.

A startling statistic reveals that only 32% of self-identified Protestant Christians read the Bible daily. This lack of engagement with Scripture leaves many confused and spiritually malnourished. We are called to be different, to immerse ourselves in the Word, and to let it guide our actions and decisions. Listening to Jesus means more than just hearing; it requires obedience and transformation, which includes regular study.

Hebrews 1 reminds us that Jesus is God’s final word, the ultimate revelation of His will. We must filter everything through the lens of Christ, allowing His teachings to shape our lives. This means rejecting the partial truths of the world and embracing the full truth found in Jesus. Our political views, daily actions, and spiritual practices must all be informed by His example.

As we reflect on our spiritual journey, we recognize three groups among us: those who know Jesus and stand in awe of Him, those who are unsure and seeking, and those who have rejected Him. Each group is called to listen more closely, to open their hearts to the transformative power of the Word. We are challenged to be part of the faithful group who engage with Scripture daily, allowing it to change our lives and draw us closer to God.

Key Takeaways:

1. The Call to Listen: In a world filled with distractions, we must intentionally pause and listen to Jesus. This involves more than just hearing; it requires us to act on His teachings and be His witnesses in the world. Listening to Jesus means allowing His words to transform our lives and guide our actions.

2. Engagement with Scripture: The startling statistic that only 32% of Christians read the Bible daily highlights a spiritual deficiency. Engaging with Scripture is essential for understanding God’s will and living a life that reflects His teachings. We are called to be part of the 100% who immerse themselves in the Word daily. 

3. Jesus as God’s Final Word: Hebrews 1 reveals that Jesus is the ultimate revelation of God’s will. We must filter everything through the lens of Christ, allowing His teachings to shape our lives. This means rejecting the partial truths of the world and embracing the full truth found in Jesus.

4. The Challenge of Obedience: Listening to Jesus requires obedience and transformation. We must be willing to change our lives in response to His teachings, even when it challenges our comfort and desires. True listening involves aligning our actions with His will.

5. The Importance of Spiritual Community: We are called to be part of a spiritual community that encourages and supports our growth in Christ. Engaging in Bible study and fellowship helps us listen more closely to God’s voice and strengthens our faith. 


Enjoy the live stream from this past Sunday here: