IN CASE You Missed it

Sunday, September 22, 2024


In Case You Missed It… September 22, 2024

Are you willing to put the Spirit in your life? So deeply. And allow it to transform you and change you and work in you and mold you and make you and transform you into the likeness of Christ?


There is a  profound significance of community when we allow the power of the Holy Spirit into our lives. The Spirit connects us, and guides us.  Reflecting on the words of a minister friend who always quoted, “It is good to come into the house of the Lord,” we were reminded of the irreplaceable value of gathering together in worship. This sense of community is not just about being physically present but about being spiritually connected, with God at the center of our relationships.

Our lives consist of both roots and wings, emphasizing the importance of deeply rooting ourselves in Scripture to withstand life’s challenges. These deep roots enable us to spread our wings and soar, as described in Isaiah 40:31, where God promises to lift us up on eagles’ wings when we are weary. This soaring is not through our own efforts but through the power of the Holy Spirit, which guides and sustains us.

We also discussed the necessity of allowing the Holy Spirit to work in us, rather than relying solely on our own strength and understanding. The Spirit empowers us to do more than we could ever imagine, lifting us above our limitations and enabling us to touch the face of God. This requires a willingness to be uncomfortable, to let go of our control, and to trust in God’s plan.


Your challenge for this week is to actively share the good news of Jesus with others, transforming lives through our witness. Next Sunday, we will collect the names of those we have shared with and pray over them, emphasizing the importance of not just talking about our faith but living it out.

Key Takeaways

1. The Power of Community: Gathering together in worship in person is more than a routine; it is a spiritual necessity that strengthens our connection with God and each other. This communal worship, with God at the center, transforms our relationships and deepens our faith. [31:51]

2. Deep Roots in Scripture: Just as a tree needs deep roots to stand firm, we need to root ourselves deeply in Scripture. This foundation helps us remain steady through life’s challenges and enables us to grow and bear fruit in our spiritual journey. [34:36]

3. Soaring on Eagles’ Wings: Isaiah 40:31 teaches us that when we are weary, God lifts us up on eagles’ wings. This soaring is not through our own efforts but through the power of the Holy Spirit, which sustains and guides us. We must learn to rely on the Spirit rather than our own strength. [40:05]

4. Active Faith: Sharing the good news of Jesus is not just a command but a transformative act that can change lives. We are challenged to actively share our faith and then pray over those we have reached, emphasizing the importance of living out our beliefs. [35:57]

5. Trusting the Holy Spirit: We often try to control our spiritual journey, but true growth comes from letting go and allowing the Holy Spirit to work in us. This requires a willingness to be uncomfortable and to trust in God’s plan, knowing that the Spirit empowers us to do more than we could ever imagine. [45:25]


Enjoy the live stream from this past Sunday here: